Amity College Founder President

Ken Rabac, the Founder President, Amity College - Florida

Ken Rabac, the Founder President of Amity College, was born into Catholicism in Detroit by virtue of his autoworker parents. His Ukrainian mother and Adriatic father raised him in in the Roman and Greek Catholic traditions. Ken in his youth was mentored by a monsignor who recognized a religious vocation and deemed him a candidate for priesthood.

Ken encountered an agnostic priest in eighth grade who opened his young mind to alternative, literary, and less literal, biblical interpretations and set the stage for his introduction to Existentialism by a ninth grade English teacher. After mastering all of the great existentialist philosophers, and their Platonic and Aristotelean precursors, Ken was initiated into Buddhism and inducted into Hinduism and Theosophy as a college freshman. Ken began to see Yoga or esoteric unity as the common denominator in world religions. Although urged by Dalai Lama to maintain the religion of your upbringing, Ken has pursued Yoga as a Meditation leader for more than 30 years in Orlando, Florida. Throughout his adult life, Ken has attended both Buddhist and Hindu temples, as well as Church of Religious Science services. For seven years, Ken was the resident Buddhist at Shanti Mandir in Orlando where he was designated as a “sage” or wise man. Ken also served as an associate pastor and pastoral counselor at a Unity Church. He is a member of International Association of Buddhist Universities (IABU).

Ken originally founded Amity College, with state authorization in Florida in 2009, but held off on developing the college until he became acquainted with his collaborator Deepak Jain and formed a spiritual and intellectual alliance, and friendship, strong enough to support this formidable project. Ken proposes that the non-secular sector will develop into a domain as pervasive as the non-profit sector has become. He envisions Amity College as an institution that will demonstrate the power of spirituality, religion, collaboration, and friendship, contribute to international interfaith peace and understanding, and symbolize his own devotion to Amita (or Amitabha) Buddha, the celestial boddhisatva symbolizing deep awareness, ultimate friendship and immeasurable light and infinite life. Amity is the quality associated with this Buddha and especially emphasized in the method of Pure Land Buddhism embraced at the Buddhist Cultural Center (Phap Vu Temple) in Orlando where Ken conducts English services and Mindfulness Meditations weekly.